The Barefoot Psycho-Archaeologist
Psychoarchaeology vs Geomancy
Beginning of the End? Or Just the Beginning?

The Barefoot Psycho-Archaeologist
As all experienced psycho-archaeologists know, to do it right means to do it first-hand, by carefully examining the site while walking. Lives of ages past will speak to you through the soles of your trained, sensitive feet. Please don’t confuse these voices with the painful cries of the plants you are trampling. Apologize to them. A stick is handy for snakes.

Psycho-Archaeology VS Geomancy

Many people lump Psycho-Archaeology and Geomancy together, as if they’re the same sort of thing. But they’re NOT THE SAME AT ALL! Here are a few reasons why:
Psycho-Archaeology is a SCIENCE, while Geomancy is FUZZY-WUZZY BABY TALK!
Nevertheless, in Psychic-Archaeology, the MANTIC plays an important role
Additionally, Psychedelic-Archaeology can reveal obscured Geomantic influences in the landscape and the built environment.
It goes well with life as we live it, and also with that nice Merlot we bought last week. Geomancers eat rocks.

Beginning of the End? Or Just the Beginning?

Azby delivering his controversial paper, “Beginning of the End? Or Just the Beginning? : The Hermeneutics of Post-Tonkin Global Subliminality as Reflected in Compensatory Self-Adornment and Involuntary Pelvic Articulation Observed in the Vicinity of Checkpoint Charlie,” at the First Pre-Conference on Psychedelic Psycho-Archaeology in New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 1973.
In this groundbreaking study, Azby opened with the argument that a persistent relational construct know metaphorically as the “Other Man” was “messin’ up my life,” and pleaded with the reactionary feminine idealization, known in shorthand as “Baby,” not to go. Proceeding to demolish the psychic underpinnings of the post-Freudian psycho-programming industry and the contradictory self-justification of neoliberal political and corporate elites, subsequent sections of the paper exhorted readers to “Remember When?” and “Come, Go With Me.”
Despite the violence which ensued as beer bottles were broken and Numa was last seen running across the bridge with blood on his T-shirt, local political dynasties ultimately embraced the critique and its implications, leading to the now-legendary episode where the future Mayor stopped by Azby’s rundown shack and asked asked him where he got his blue suede shoes.
“Ha ha!” Azby said through a psychedelic haze. “Where I got my shoes? Man, can’t you see, I got ‘em on my feet!”
Psycho-Archaeology is not Bunker Archaeology in disguise. We had a seance with Paul just last month and he agreed that getting wasted and dancing was never part of his method. Same goes for the barefoot thing.